
Magnetic field

A magnetic field is a mathematical description of the magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials. The magnetic field at any given point is specified by both a direction and a magnitude (or strength); as such it is a vector field.[nb 1] The magnetic field is most commonly defined in terms of the Lorentz force it exerts on moving electric charges. There are two separate but closely related fields to which the name 'magnetic field' can refer: a magnetic B field and a magnetic H field.
Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles associated with a fundamental quantum property, their spin. In special relativity, electric and magnetic fields are two interrelated aspects of a single object, called the electromagnetic field tensor; the aspect of the electromagnetic field that is seen as a magnetic field is dependent on the reference frame of the observer. In quantum physics, the electromagnetic field is quantized and electromagnetic interactions result from the exchange of photons.
Magnetic fields have had many uses in ancient and modern society. The Earth produces its own magnetic field, which is important in navigation. Rotating magnetic fields are utilized in both electric motors and generators. Magnetic forces give information about the charge carriers in a material through the Hall effect. The interaction of magnetic fields in electric devices such as transformers is studied in the discipline of magnetic circuits.

 Moving Electrons and Charges 

In electricity, negative charges build and then move to the positive region. Electricity is related to charges, and both electrons and protons carry a charge. The amount of the charge is the same for each particle, but opposite in sign. Electrons carry a negative charge while protons carry positive charge. The objects around us contain billions and billions of atoms, and each atom contains many protons and electrons. The protons are located in the center of the atom, concentrated in a small area called the nucleus. The electrons are in motion outside of the nucleus in orbitals. The protons are basically trapped inside the nucleus and can't escape the nucleus. As a result, it is moving electrons that are primarily responsible for electricity.

There aren't a lot of places that you can see electricity. The most commonly- observed form of electricity is probably lightning. Lightning is a big spark that occurs when lots of electrons move from one place to another very quickly. There are three basic forms of lightning, cloud to cloud, cloud to surface, and surface to cloud. All are created when there is an unequal distribution of electrons. You can also see smaller sparks of electricity in science labs that contain Van de Graff generators, and can see even smaller arcs of electrons at home when you scuff your feet and then touch something like a metal doorknob (static electricity).

Electricity Around You

It's easy to see the uses of electricity around you. In fact, there are charges around your computer, your house, and your city. Electricity is constantly flowing through all of the wires in your town. There is also electricity in your flash light. That kind of electricity created by batteries is called direct current. The other major type is found in the outlets of your house. That household form of electricity is called alternating current. What are Conductors and Insulators?

 You may remember these words when you learned the properties of metals.
*A conductor is something that lets heat and electricity go through it.
Think of a hot summer day.  You sit on a shiny metal slide, OUCH! It's very hot and burns your legs! The slide is made of metal, it is a good conductor.

*An insulator is something that does not let heat and electricity go through it easily. 
If you slide down a plastic slide, like on our playground, it is very warm, but it will not burn you like a metal slide.  Plastic is a good insulator.


3.1 Describes the different states of matter and their properties.
3.2. recognizes various forms of energy and ways it can be transformed

3.3. Identify the different types of magnet fields

3.4 Recognize ways energy can be transformed
3.5 Identify how sound is produced and how light waves travels.

3.6 Participates in the Science Fair using scientific skills in processes to do research based upon Life, Physical and Earth Science.

Coming Up!!!!!!! Science Fair
Date: April 18th, 2012

The Scientific Method
The scientific method is the process all scientists use to investigate science questions. It involves identifying a problem, learning what is already known about that problem, thinking of a solution or answer (called a hypothesis), doing an experiment to test your hypothesis, and reaching a conclusion based on what you learned. There are five steps to the scientific method. They are:
  • Identify a problem.
  • Formulate a hypothesis.
  • Conduct an experiment-
  • Collect data
  •  Data Analysis
  •  Conclusion
  • Publishing/Display
The scientific method is not mysterious or difficult, although you can use it to work through some difficult problems. So before you even begin your project, it is important that you understand the scientific method. Using it to do your project takes some thought, but that’s what science is all about!

Science Fair Project Poster

Science fair project posters typically consist of three columns of text and images.
Here's an example of how you can organize a science fair project poster to clearly display your use of the scientific method for your project.

·         Title
The title should be an accurate description of the project. The title is usually centered at the top of the poster.
·         Pictures/Drawings
Try to include color photographs or drawings of your project, samples from the project, tables, and graphs.
·         Problem/ Question
Sometimes this section is called 'Background'. This section introduces the topic of the project, explains your interest in the project, and states the purpose of the project.
·         Hypothesis
Explicitly state your hypothesis
·         Materials
List the materials you used in your project
·         Procedure
Describe the procedure that you used to perform the project. If you have a photo or diagram of your project, this is a good place to include it.
·         Data and Results
Data and Results are not the same thing. Data refers to the actual numbers or other information you obtained in your project. Data is often presented in a table or graph. The Results section explains what the data means.
·         Conclusion
The Conclusion focuses on the Hypothesis or Question as it compares to the Data and Results. What was the answer to the question? Was the hypothesis supported?
What did you find out from the experiment?
·         References
You may need to cite references or provide a bibliography for your project. Reference may be cited on the posted or printed out and placed below the poster.

                                  A    C    T    I    V    I    T    Y
AUGUST  31, 2011
Science Teachers will socialize the  Science Fair Project in their classes.
SEPTEMBER 5th  - 27th , 2011
Teachers will guide students toward the science fair project choices.
OCTOBER 3rd -6th  2011
First Deadline for choosing a project: Teachers will assess the students’ first choices. 
NOVEMBER 1st – 4th 2011
Second Deadline for choosing a project:  Teachers will assess the students second choices.
NOVEMBER 8th – 11th , 2011
Projects must be  chosen by this week.
NOVEMBER 23rd-DECEMBER  13th ,2011
Students will research their projects themes.
DECEMBER 14th ,2011
Deadline for submitting the theoretical framework paper.
JANUARY 16th , 2012
Teachers will start to guide the students projects.
FEBRUARY  29th , 2012
First Auditorial: Students will present the advances of the project.
MARCH 30th , 2012
Second Auditorial:  Students will present the advances of the project.
APRIL 9th-17th , 2012
Getting everything ready for Science Fair Day.
APRIL 18th , 2012

How have ecosystems changed?

Organism is the name of the independent living thing. It can carry out the basic functions of life. Organisms can be made of a single cell or of multiple cells. The definition of "living thing" is still debated in scientific circles (a virus, for example, is considered by some to be living, but others believe it lacks some of the requirements to fit that description). In general, a living thing must be able to take in matter, release energy from food, release waste, grow, and reproduce.

 Virtually all of Earth’s ecosystems have been significantly transformed through human actions. Changes have been especially rapid in the last 50 years and today the fastest changes are taking place in developing countries. Ecosystems are particularly affected by large-scale fishing, freshwater use, and agriculture. More...

Ecosystems depend on fundamental environmental cycles such as the continuous circulation of water, carbon, and other nutrients. Human activities have modified these cycles, especially during the last 50 years, through increases in freshwater use, carbon dioxide emissions, and fertilizer use. This in turn has affected the ability of ecosystems to provide benefits to humans. More...

Many animal and plant populations have declined in numbers, geographical spread, or both. For instance, a quarter of mammal species are currently threatened by extinction. Human activity has caused between 50 and 1000 times more extinctions in the last 100 years than would have happened due to natural processes. Increasingly, the same species are found at different locations on the planet and the overall biodiversity is decreasing, because some rare species are lost and common ones spread to new areas. Overall, the range of genetic differences within species has declined, particularly for crops and livestock

Cells: The Building Blocks of Life!

The Cell Theory states that all living things are made of cells, which are the basic units of life, and that cells come from other cells.

Levels of Organization

The parts of a multi-cellular organism can be divided into five categories: cells, tissues, organs, systems, organism. When we are organizing these parts, you can consider them as levels or parts of a whole. Organisms are made of multiple systems; each system is composed of different organs; each organ can be divided into different tissues; each tissues is made up of various kinds of cells.

Level 1 - Cells

Cells are the basic structural unit of living things. Cells can live independently - as a single-cellular organism, or they can be part of an intricate networking of specialized cells. Some examples of cell types in humans are:
  • blood cells
  • nerve cells
  • bone cells

Level 2 - Tissues

Groups of similar cells that work closely together are called tissues. These cells are similar in structure and function. Together, they perform a certain activity. Humans have four basic tissues:
  • connective tissue
  • epithelial tissue
  • muscle tissue
  • nerve tissue

Level 3 - Organs

Organs are groups of tissues working together to perform a small range of actions. The activities of organs range from pumping blood through the body (the heart's job) to protecting the body from outside elements (the skin's job). Examples of human organs are:
  • stomach
  • lungs
  • liver

Level 4 - Systems

When multiple organs are interconnected, they have the ability to aid each other in regulating the broader functions of the body. The human body has eleven organ systems:
  • circulatory
  • digestive
  • endocrine
  • excretory (urinary)
  • immune (lymphatic)
  • integumentary (skin)
  • muscular
  • nervous
  • reproductive
  • respiratory
  • skeletal

Level 5 - Organism